How Were Transitioning from Nap Time to Quiet Time + Tips and Tricks to Help!

I shared a reel the other day about how I try organize most daysto get things done while Hudson has his nap time/quiet time. 💤

It was a hit, and so I wanted to share a few more tips for how we do our nap time/quiet time, and how I aim to keep my busy little bee independent during this time!

He’s in the stage where he has a day or 2 he doesn’t nap now and that’s just part of growing up! So here’s what I do for days he doesn’t take one. I hope this gives you a little help too Mammas!

He goes down for a nap same time, give or take 15 mins. We’ll sometimes do a quick snack, get a drink of water, and use the bathroom beforehand. I also put on an @yourstoryhour for him to listen to, as well as his white noise in the background. Then I’ll usually read 1-2 books to him before I leave the room. I’ll remind him that he’s not allowed to get up from his spot and that I’ll be back to check on him!
I always keep his favorite quieter toys there with him for while he settles down and to play with.

Here’s a few activities we like!

🧸A sort the shapes box
🧸Stuffed animals
🧸Favorite books
🧸Reusable water reveal note pad
There’s so many fun safe quiet activities out there now!
Most days he’ll call me for something, but we do a quick fix/turn around.😆
If he falls asleep great! If he doesn’t, then he just has to stay in his quiet spot for about an hour, then he can get up!
Does your little one have a quiet time? I’d love to know what other activities they love!

*I want to add that this doesn’t go smooth everyday. Sometimes he fights it, but I believe consistency is one of the most important parts of parenting. So we’re doing our best with the Lord’s help.🙌 (Going to share more on why we do a quiet time in another post)

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