This one super mom tip can change your kids WHOLE DAY!

Ready for it?!🌟Spend quality time with them as you start your day. After breakfast, and before you move onto everything on your list. Have them pick something they want to do and spend at least 10 to 20 minutes doing just that with them. 🌟I’ve found it helps them from nagging during the day, being …

Ask not Want.

We’re in a training season of teaching Hudson he has to ask, and not just tell me he wants something. Hudson is on the brink of turning 4. I love the doors that have opened since his language and curiosity senses have developed. He often asks insightful questions now and each one surprises me with …

Mother’s Day Memory

I remember my first Mother’s Day 4 years ago. đź©·I had found out just a week before that I was pregnant with Hudson and was still not only processing the surprise, but also hadn’t shared it with anyone accept our parents. I didn’t have all the warm fuzzy feelings about being pregnant yet or didn’t …

Do it scared

This week I’m my Bible reading I’ve been studying the judges, and more specifically Gideon. Gideon was a man that God used in a very huge way to relieve Israel of the Midianites hold over them. But honestly, what stuck out to me more then anything wasn’t how brave he was. It was actually how …