How Has my Quiet Time Changed Since Having Hudson?

It’s changed A lot!

Right after he was born it took a huge adjustment figuring out when to do it and how I wanted to do it.

But about 2-3 months I got in a more regular time with it as his naps regulated.

I’ve always been a read thru the Bible person. And I remember when I was trying to decide what to study, I was drawn to the Samuels. I can’t remember why, but I was, and I started to really study the life of David in a way I hadn’t before and it felt like I was seeing scripture in a whole other light.

The other thing I did was a really good young moms devotional that was literally dedicated to moms that had just given birth. I loved it. It was so relatable and brought inspiration to my new chapter in life. I’ve continued with mom devotionals and still love them.

I 100% would say that my time with God hasn’t ever been better then it is now. The more I grow in Christ and in the knowledge of His word the more wisdom I gain from it and the more I find myself yearning for this time with Him.

As a wife I still studied and loved my quiet time. BUT as a mom it took on a whole other meaning because I couldn’t take for granted the time management involved to dedicate a quiet time.

As I studied then and continue to study, I now pray that as I read His Word, that I would be able to find ways that it can apply to my life as a wife and mama. It’s been a journey and there’s still days I struggle with it. But the more I sip the juice, the more I want a full glass.

Xoxo, Shantel

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