Brotherly Love

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed something about Hudson. Something that has brought me a lot of joy. As a mom, we try and pray that how we teach our children to interact causes a bond of love between them, and not division. That the connection a brother and sister have is more than just by blood. Helping them see their siblings as a friend, enjoying being with, helping, making memories with, and loving them in the good times and bad.

*insert all the hearts*,

Hudson recently has shown heartfelt interest in his sister and her needs. Even to the point that he’s wanted to change her diaper all by himself (funny, but I let him just help me with this one lol). He often gets on the floor and plays with her, showing her toys, and books, and just rolling around. And if he accidentally hurts her he responds with “sorry sissy”. And she just watches him. Laughing at his facial expressions and smiling back. My mama heart just melts seeing all this. He’s still a full-blooded 3-year-old brother and with that is learning a lot about how to treat others and use his emotions the right way. But to see him create this brotherly love and friendship with his sister has been such an encouragement to me as a mom. I pray it grows in the way God wants it to!

On that note, I’d love to hear from you! What are some ways you loved watching your children connect? Help each other, and see each other as friends, not competitors? Let me know in the comment below!

xoxo, Shantel

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