Thursday Thoughts, Breastfeeding Chapter Closing

This week I had to end a bittersweet part of Hudson and me’s story. I know every person’s breastfeeding journey is different. Some rewarding, some painful, some indifferent. For us it was something that I went into motherhood a little indifferent about, but came out on the other side solely convinced of its reward. It had moments of pain and frustration. But more then anything, moments of bonding that I didn’t know were possible. I never thought I’d breastfeed almost 19 months. I didn’t even know how it would change my health or my child’s. I didn’t know I would be so emotional and in tears over this part of our story ending. But after this last year and a half, I’ve never been more fond of a time that will now be a past tense.

I’ve heard, fed is best. I’ve heard breast is best. I’ve heard it’s selfishness. I’ve heard it’s not fair. I’ve heard you don’t know how it felt. I’ve heard, “your still breastfeeding”?  To be completely honest. I don’t have the answer or empathy for ever woman in how each of our journeys with this are different. But I do know one thing. It was a God-given design that he created for our bodies to be able to grow, nurture, and bless our children with. Whether it was for 2 months or 21 months, the time was worth it.
And one more thing, as I bring this to a close is this. If you’re a pregnant mom, a 2nd time mom or even a 4, 5th + time mom and haven’t breastfed before, and you’re unsure. I really encourage you to do some research on its amazing benefits as well as find a support group. These 2 things are so encouraging when deciding to breastfeed or not. I know theirs so many hindrances that can happen in accomplishing this goal, and I applaud and have compassion on the moms that navigate these hard choices. Finding others success stories of how they did it have been so empowering and helpful to me.

The day we started weaning. It was a rough one, but we endured. I’m so thankful for this opportunity. ❤️

Whether you have/did breastfeed or not, YOU are still the best mom for your baby. Because of my rewarding experience I just want every woman to be informed of the fact that every mom’s story is different, and that it CAN be one of the most rewarding chapters of your story. .

xoxo, Shantel 

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