Thursday Thoughts, Don’t Downgrade a New Mom‘s Experience.

I was reading about a comment made to a new mother, that had just delivered her baby and was sharing her story with others. She was recalling what’s helped her with breastfeeding, as well as postpartum.
A message was sent to her concerning the fact that she had no experience and thus shouldn’t be sharing any advice as a new mom.
When a mother has given birth, she has been given an experience like none other. Every experience is it’s own.
To tell a new mother this, is not only demeaning but shows a lack of appreciation for what it means to BECOME a mother. If we as other moms have come to the point that we have to downplay a new mom because we have more “experience”, shame on us! They have just as every right to own motherhood.
When I had Hudson, sharing my story, and what helped me, was a breath of fresh air, hearing other new moms too helped in aiding my postpartum journey.
✨So, point of this is. Be nice to new mamas. Listen and share in their journey. We can all learn something from every moms experience. ❤️

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