Switch it up! How I’m changing our week to serve us as a family better.

If you receive my newsletter then you know that the last 1-2 months I’ve found that our weekdays aren’t flowing for us very well. We’re in a bit of a schedule routine rut, and it felt like it wasn’t serving our family well.

Right after Hudson was born I loved Monday’s. Crazy right?!

It was actually my favorite day because it was calm. I used the day to reset, not have a big to-do list, and just play with Hudson. Hindsight, I think it really set us up for a good week.

After Felicity, I slowly allowed things to cloud my Monday. I added more responsibilities to my day, started to run errands, and sure enough Mondays became my least favorite day. I noticed that our week just felt scattered, and all of our attitudes suffered a little.

So two weeks ago I decided to completely change the layout of our week. The last 2 Monday’s we completely cleared the day and just spent time together doing activities and resetting from the weekend.

It was absolutely what we needed. Our week felt more structured, but calm because we had a day to reset.

We are going on week 3 now and I am already feeling better about our Mondays.

This is an aspect that I truly appreciate as a stay at home mom. That I am able to change the flexibility of our days and our schedule and routines.

I encourage you if you are in the same boat to try switching it up this next week. It has been a game changer for us and I am so thankful!!

Xoxo, Shantel

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