A Post- Roe v. Wade Era, What Moms Need to do Next!


Don’t shy away from the depth of yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling.

I’ve already been told that “it’s disgusting that you support women’s right being taken away”.

Mamas, this is when you stand even closer to what is truth. I owe an answer to God for my stance on this.

If I don’t speak up about something so prevalent to my role as a wife and mom, it would be better for me to become mute and have no mouth in which to speak.

Women’s right to that part of her body was compromised when she conceived a child in her womb. Period. 2 heartbeats, 2 bodies, 2 DNA.

Life without consequences for irresponsible actions, is why we have a generational gap that bred women to think it’s their body and their choice.

Mamas, we can’t mess this up.

It’s our job TODAY to reiterate the daylights out of sharing the beauty and honor God bestowed upon our bodies, to be vessels and safe harbors for the unborn.

We owe it to the 63 million heartbeats in heaven to do so.

As this new decision heats up and now goes back to the states, we must pray for hearts to be changed, lives to be open to hearing truth, and children to be raised to seek righteousness.

As this ruling has sounded renouncing across the nation, I keep hearing this verse in my head.

“At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Luke 1:41 NLT

How much more are these 63 million unborn children in heaven and the child in MY womb leaping for joy over such a win as this?

Be bold mama, God is overall!

Xoxo Shantel

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