Writing this post more as a reminder for myself then anyone. Blogging for a few years now, I’ve been enveloped into the world of having pretty pictures, backgrounds, and stationary per se. It’s a fun bit of being a blogger and has contributed to my creativity to some degree. It’s also enabled me tho to …
Postpartum Felt So Different in Fashion
After having my firstborn, my body felt so different. I didn’t know what normal was and how it was supposed to look like anymore. Finding clothes that fit and we’re fashionable kinda seemed hard and all my pre-birth clothes fit so wonky.One of my favorite places I grew to love was Liam & Co.. If …
Thursday Thoughts, Don’t Downgrade a New Mom‘s Experience.
I was reading about a comment made to a new mother, that had just delivered her baby and was sharing her story with others. She was recalling what’s helped her with breastfeeding, as well as postpartum.A message was sent to her concerning the fact that she had no experience and thus shouldn’t be sharing any …
How Were Transitioning from Nap Time to Quiet Time + Tips and Tricks to Help!
I shared a reel the other day about how I try organize most daysto get things done while Hudson has his nap time/quiet time. 💤 It was a hit, and so I wanted to share a few more tips for how we do our nap time/quiet time, and how I aim to keep my busy …
In a rut? Me too.
I’m in a rut. 🙃A posting, content, writing, creativity, follower, rut. The last 2 months, other then making reels, it’s been a struggle to put together content. From photography, to writing, to reaching an audience, to relating, to collabs, etc. One of the hardest parts of being a blogger, is doing it alone. When I …
A Quick Guide to Exercising During Pregnancy. My Favorite Workouts for all Trimesters and Tips to Stay Motivated
One thing this pregnancy that I’ve been committed to unlike with my firstborn is exercise. I’ve found some amazing resources and workouts that I’ve done since the start. I love being able to take care of my body in this way knowing it’s good for me and baby. And it’s also a great example for …
Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022. A Letter To My Readers
I wanted to dedicate a post YOU, to start off this new year!You who take the time to be here in this platform.You who show up, like, comment, and share my posts.You who give me true feedback, are honest with me, and even share your heart in this space.You who know me in person and …
When Motherhood is the Hardest, Here’s What Our Children Will Remember.
Laying in bed cuddled up with a sick little boy. It’s in these moments that being a mom is hard. I can choose to be caring, nurturing, patient. Or I can lash out, feel angry that he’s my responsibility, and go drown my sorrows out in junk food.But at the end of the day, my …
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Thursday Thoughts, Thanksgiving
Today is Thanksgiving Day. A day that we intentionally stop to remember all the “things” that we are grateful for in life. While sometimes it can be looked over or seen as cliché, its a day that matters because thankfulness replaces so many of our problems. Really! When we focus on how much God has …
Thursday Thoughts, 4 Ways to Combat Worry
Here’s some Thursday thoughts about worry combat. Plus a silly video of me that you have to watch first! 🤣 Okay, so do I always take captive those thoughts like I should? Unfortunately no, it’s still something I struggle with daily.BUT, here’s 3️⃣ things that help combat the spiraling when my worries pop up. •✨Jam …