A Quick Guide to Exercising During Pregnancy. My Favorite Workouts for all Trimesters and Tips to Stay Motivated

One thing this pregnancy that I’ve been committed to unlike with my firstborn is exercise. I’ve found some amazing resources and workouts that I’ve done since the start. I love being able to take care of my body in this way knowing it’s good for me and baby. And it’s also a great example for my toddler.

pregnancy workout
safe pregnancy workouts

So here’s the scoop on what workouts I’ve been doing, tips to stay motivated, and when, with a toddler in tow! 😉

•Pregnancy Workouts

Last pregnancy due to working full-time it was easier for me to come home and be lazy after a day’s work. I felt that in my pregnancy I was a lot more tired and not as fit as I knew I could be. I also really think that my postpartum recovery would have been shorter some if I had been more dedicated to working out. Exercise has been a part of my lifestyle for years, but these last few months I really got committed to exercising consistently, and then once I found out I was pregnant I found a great source for doing pregnancy workouts.

I want to add that I did talk to my doctor and one thing that she instructed me on was not to let my heart rate get above 150. I have thoroughly enjoyed these workouts from Pregnancy and Postpartum Tv. What’s great with these workouts is that I have been able to modify and do what feels comfortable for me. So far I have loved it and have already seen a difference compared to last pregnancy. My energy improves throughout the day, and my core and body have strengthened.

•Tips For Motivation

One of the hardest parts of exercising in pregnancy is finding motivation and self-discipline. In my first pregnancy, a lot of it had to do with working full-time and being tired so much especially in the first trimester, where taking advantage of getting a good start should’ve been key. But it was an excuse I should not have made and I have done some things this pregnancy that has helped me find that motivation.

  • 1. Set a time frame and stick to it. Whether its morning, afternoon, or night, put it in your routine.
  • 2. Don’t make unrealistic expectations with how much you’ll exercise. Set reasonable goals. I commit to doing workouts 3 times a week. Whether its cardio, pilates, sculpting, I always do 3.
  • 3. Get some cute maternity activewear. Seriously, it helps! Heres my faves, linked HERE!
  • 4. Have a little reward or incentive. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a treat, a warm bath, an episode of your favorite show. Give yourself something to look forward too!
  • 5. Remember your why. At the end of the day youre doing this for you and your babies well-being. That in and of itself its a sufiscient reason. We forget, but really its SO SO good for us, and the benefits are bountiful in the end.

•How and When to Workout with Littles

This one can be a bit tricky. For me, I have found in the mornings after we have eaten breakfast works best. It’s when my energy is at its peak. Well, and my toddler’s too.

Since he was a baby I have tried to find ways to incorporate him into my exercise. And I really think because of this my son now loves to do his version of the workout moves with me. It’s so fun, and in encouraging him he continues to show interest in it. It helps keep him occupied while I work out and I also love that it’s an example for him to create this good habit himself.

If for some reason he’s not interested, the other thing I’ll do is have him be in the same room as me with an activity he can do on the floor that he loves. That way he’s still with mommy, and keeping his hands busy too.

I hope this is helpful for any other Mammas. Expecting or not, exercise is such a great thing for our bodies and an important part of living healthy lives.

xoxo, Shantel

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