My Big Tip to Help With Baby Born After Having Gestational Diabetes


One thing I did as soon as I found out I had Gestational Diabetes, was do a little research to see how it would effect baby after birth.

If you read quite a few articles, after delivery babies can have low blood sugar resulting in formula being pushed to give baby to level it out.

Because I knew this before giving birth, in the couple weeks leading up to it starting at week 36, I started pumping once or twice a day. It started out very slow and gradually I built up a colostrum supply.

I was able to collect a few syringes in a freezer stash to bring to the hospital! So when Felicity was born, thankfully her sugars were just a little low. I insisted on using my syringes first as supplementing my nursing while I waited for my milk to come in. And guess what? IT WORKED!

Not only did it help level her sugars out, but it helped fill her tummy and I really believe it aided in setting her up to start a better sleep cycle then my firstborn.

Our bodies are amazing, and God created them in so many ways to help our babies. If you have GDM I encourage you to talk to your Dr. about doing this as it can start your breastfeeding journey off on a good start! šŸ’“šŸ¤±šŸ¼

Xoxo, Shantel

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