Moms Can Have Fun Too!

I hate the stereotype that moms live mundane lives and can’t enjoy just everyday life, especially if you’re a SAHM.👎🏻

While there are a few days that can seem like this (usually because of a bad attitude), for the most part it’s NOT the case for me. 😍
First and foremost taking care of my family, and spending time with God is most important. And truth be told, I love that I get to do this everyday. But, more times then not, if I manage my time well, there’s always a moment or two that I can take to enjoy something creative/fun! If you have a hard time finding things to do in your home I gotchu!
Bake a treat/snack you enjoy.
Watch a short film with your fave hot drink.
Take a bath with Epsom salt.
Go outside with a good book and snack you love.
Journal your day or current thoughts about life.
Grab a bouquet of flowers at your next shopping trip to arrange for your table.
Make a cute card for someone- hubby, parent, friend.
Find a craft project to do a part of each day.
Get an at-home manicure set to do your own nails.

Mammas, there’s so many ways we can love our families AND enjoy life. When we only see our days as mundane, we can become bitter and cynical about our time. Serving our families with the right attitude and taking a few spare moments to do fun things like this can help fill our everyday cups!
🤩What’s you’re creative/fun thing you like to do?
.xoxo, Shantel

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