5 Simple Ways to Introduce God to Little Ones

One of my favorite things about being home with my child is that I get to choose what goes into his precious bright mind. I think it’s so important at even a young age to introduce God and scripture to them. And here’s just a few ways that we’ve implemented it in our home.

Devotionals and Books.

This one is a fun one to help kids to understand concepts and lessons. There are so many to choose from. But I’ve linked a few here that we did as kids as well as a preschool devotional we do with Hudson. I love finding Christian authors too that share great kids’ content.

Tell Them Jesus Loves Them too.

I love this simple little thing. I read it in the book, “1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to God” and I’ve done it since Hudson was a baby. When you tell your children you love them, tell them also that Jesus loves them. I also add that even with as much as I love Bubba, God loves him even more! This concept is powerful, and the younger kids learn it the more they’ll see it.

Take Them to Church.

Haha, this one can be hard especially when their little. But it is possible! Having a training quiet time at home helps a lot as well as having quiet toys just for church (Going to write up a post of what we have in our church bag). The older they get the easier it gets, but starting young helps a lot! And you never know the little bits and pieces they pick up from what they hear at church.

Listen to Bible Audio.

I am a huge fan of Adventures In Odyssey and Your Story Hour. Since the age we could talk, it was played in our house all the time. AIO shares daily life situations and examples for kids to use their imagination and see Christ in everyday. Your Story Hour shares the Bible through action and history. It has so many amazing scripture stories that kids don’t learn through just church. It’s a great thing to do as a family, or even as part of schooling. We love it! (want to add that I don’t agree doctrinally with AIO on salvation, but most other lessons are on point!)

Listen to Children Sunday School Music .

Cedarmont Kids was huge in our home growing up. They have so many kids’ Bible songs that even have actions on video for kids to learn. There are innumerable other great musical ones too such as Boz, Seeds of Faith, Veggie Tales, Go Fish, etc… I think this is such a great way to introduce music to kids starting at baby age.

These are just a few ways that we have implemented sharing Jesus with Hudson in our home and have really loved. I’d love to hear any other ways you other mammas are also sharing Jesus with your kids. Leave me a comment below!

xoxo, Shantel

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