June Prayer, The Purest Righteous Form of Love

Love these flowers popping up!

Lord, thank you that June brings in summer. Thank you for the beautiful outdoors and lakes with cool refreshing water that we are able to enjoy. Thank you for the summer breeze that blows the fresh smell of flowers and grass our way. Thank you that this year as a nation we are able to do the things we weren’t able to last year. Thank you for the trips people are able to take again and the people we’re able to see. Thank you for providing all our needs day after day, month after month. 

Lord, I’ve been reflecting on all the ways you’ve taken care of us, and I’m amazed and humbled at how even though I worry and I know it causes you to hurt God, that you still choose to care for and love me. Lord forgive me for this and help me in my unbelief.

God as June has been sadly recognized as pride month, I pray that all the more your light would shine bright on the matter of love that is only of you. Lord, help those who are confused, hurt, and responding in this way, to find the love of you. Help us as people who have been shown that love to help others see the evil this movement is and the hurt that it causes you. 

God, you made us, man and woman in your image (Genesis 1:27), and we’ve tried so hard to change that. As a world, we’ve tried to change the sacredness of marriage between a man and woman. As sole believers of your Word, help us to spread it and help others see the consequences and regret of changing something that you’ve set in stone. 

Lord, thank you most importantly that you’re forgiving and you’re gracious and kind to those that see their unrighteousness and turn to you for their help and healing. I pray for humility and not pride in this healing. And soften MY heart to see these people only through your eyes. God, break me to love how you love.


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