26 Weeks, pregnant for half a year now!

I can’t believe I’m 26 weeks as of yesterday!

This pregnancy has flown by a lot faster then with my firstborn. It’s been a whirlwind especially with how busy life has gotten. Some days I want it to slow down. Others, I just can’t wait to meet her.

I was commenting to my husband, that I’ve now been pregnant for half of a year, which sounds funny to say, but it’s true! You don’t realize how long your pregnant for until you think about it.

So far pregnancy hasn’t been too hard this time around. I get asked often if this pregnancy has been easier or harder.

But really, this pregnancy just been different.

With Hudson I had the nausea, vomiting, alllll that stuff. But with her, I had barely any if at all. However, I have been insanely more tired this time around than last. The first trimester I didn’t want to get out of bed. Once I hit the second it slowly improved and I was able to resume a lot of normal daily life. My husband jokes that it because I had a desk job up until I had Hudson, and this time around, I’m chasing a toddler. Haha!

But, as I near week 27- the third trimester my bodies starting to feel it all now. But even in this, I have so much excitement, love, and determination to keep going everyday, because the end goal is our sweet baby girl we get to hold!

So, to all my fellow pregnant mamas, I feel you, no matter what part of pregnancy you’re at. It can be rough. But, the result is beautiful, so worth it, and always in sight!

Xoxo, Shantel

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  1. […] love the style and length, plus they have pockets. I got both of them my true to size pre-pregnancy and they had a good amount of room for […]

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