What to Wear Post Baby, Outfit Ideas for Postpartum

At Felicity’s 2 Week Checkup!

Okay, let’s talk postpartum fashion. You’ve just had your beautiful babe and are enjoying the wonderful newborn snuggles and bliss… But once you get home, dressing a post-baby body for those first couple of months as it changes can feel weird. It’s one of the most confusing seasons for wearing clothes. While your body shifts, your uterus shrinks, and your hips return to pre-pregnancy, it can be challenging to figure out how to dress in a way that isn’t unflattering and uncomfortable. 

After 2 babies, I’ve figured out what I like and don’t like. What fits and looks put together without much effort, and what I feel most confident in.

So, I’ve put together a few postpartum outfit formulas, where to purchase them, as well as a couple that I’ve been wearing this postpartum and have loved.

*Sizing note: Check before purchasing, how reviews or sizing guides say things fit. Some things you can get your pre-pregnancy size, especially if there is a stretch to it. But as a rule of thumb, I have followed that if when in doubt I’ll size up one.

The best part about these outfit ideas is that they are easily interchangeable by buying just these few basics that are versatile. They also are comfortable for daily wear as post-contractions and anything too tight can be painful.

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The top few clothing items I love are dresses, joggers, slip-on sneakers, loose-fit tops, and hats!

I was able to link quite a few that are nursing-friendly pieces, as it is something that is important to me, as a breastfeeding mama!

While postpartum has its challenges, finding what to wear after this change, shouldn’t be part of it! The fact that God created our bodies to carry and nurture a baby in our womb for 9 months is a sacred, empowering, and precious thing. I hope these ideas give you the ease of knowing how to transition clothes in this season, whether you’re about to have a baby or have just given birth.

Xoxo, Shantel

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