Our 4th Anniversary Trip

2 weeks ago my hubby and I spur of the moment took the kids overnight to a favorite pumpkin patch that’s a few hours away to celebrate our anniversary. We had wanted so badly this year to go back to Monterey, where we had gone for our honeymoon. But it just wasn’t the right timing or the season we’re in with the kids’ ages.

Sometimes being parents means sacrificing. Not out of pettiness, feeling sorry for oneself, or seeing children as a burden. But to see it as a gift of marriage. In the blessing of having children, there’s also a means by which we learn daily to share not only our time, but also our ability to love the season our children our in.

Did we want to have a kid free anniversary trip? Or did we want to cherish this fleeting season that we are in with a precious newborn and a toddler on the brink of a new learning curve?

It’s in this, that I’ve found so much joy as not only a mom, but a wife too. That in celebrating marriage and the man I was blessed to do life with, we get to watch our children grow and be there for every new milestone.

It ended up being one of the most fun and memorable trips I’ll ever hold on to. Not because of what I missed, but because of what purposeful memories were made. ❤️

Xoxo, Shantel

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