What scripture or truth has brought you much encouragement this past year? A devotional.

Much of this year I’ve been reading through Matthew and Mark, and journaled a lot on the ministry of Jesus and all the miracles and parables he taught.

And my favorites passage of it all is in Mark 5:25-34.

This story has been one that I’ve read over and over this pregnancy a dozen times just because each time I read it, it grows my own faith and brings me a lot of hope.

The aspect that really stays with me each time is that her faith/belief in God working is what caused the healing:

This woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and had complete faith in His power.

• Scripture says this was after all the many physicians and Dr.’s – after all her money had been spent, for 12 years!! But yet, she had full belief that just touching the hem of Jesus could heal her.

The reason I love this passage so much and it resonates with me is because this pregnancy has been the hardest on me mentally. After the handful of things I was diagnosed with in pregnancy with Felicity and all the negativity I received from Dr.’s and clinics deciding to continue to grow our family was scary for me. I didn’t know what to expect. The medical world warns you of all the things that could go wrong in subsequent pregnancies after a high risk one . Seeing Felicity happy and healthy is truly a testament to God working.

But after her pregnancy I researched so many medical studies, and Dr.’s opinions and just looked at all I could do help this pregnancy be different. And by the grace of God so far it has.

But in all this,

It reminds me that whether this pregnancy ends easy like Hudson or whether God allows it to be harder like Felicity’s again, I know that despite all I do or Dr’s do at the end of the day my belief that God loves me and this baby is what will carry us both thru.

I’m left with the inspiring truth/thought that the diseased woman received healing through touching just the hem of his garment. How much more can I also receive through just the power of sitting at the feet of Jesus praying to Him. I have an interceptor the Holy Spirit who lives in me and knows exactly what me and my baby boy need.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13 ESV

So the question I want to leave you with is this: If God can heal her through her faith in just touching the hem of Jesus’ garment, what can God do with ours?


Xoxo Shantel

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