Tips for an easier Sunday morning:

We all know the Sunday drill of rushing out the door 2mins past departure time. The last minute outfits and food prep, and all the in between that happens on a day not filled with rest, that’s kind of supposed to be about that…rest.🤣

And while everyone still has those days sometimes, I’ve been able to pickup some tricks and routines that help make Sunday morning a little less hectic or stressful for myself and our little family and turn my Sunday morning into a time I actually love! So here’s a few tips I’ve accustomed to, to help with that, and I hope it helps you too!

1. Pick everyone’s clothes out the night before.

⁃ This one is a super helpful when it’s more then just you to get ready. Having littles mean lots of clothes. So this little tip makes it a no guessing game for what everyone will wear for church. As well as make sure you and your family have the clean and ironed clothes needed for Sunday!

2. Get up before the rest of the house.

⁃ I know, this one can be HARD with babies and toddlers, but it’s saved my bacon so many times being up and having breakfast going and coffee before the rest of the house. I’m able to put on a good mindset for the day when I have a little time of quiet to myself.

3. Make a quick list.

– Have a quick list you put together Saturday night of things that you have to do that Sunday morning. Everything from feeding the dog to getting your coffee to go. I have a timer for 10 min before we need to leave and it’s a good time to check and make sure I haven’t forgotten anything.

4. Plan easy lunches.

– We are blessed with a great time after our morning meeting where many of us in attendance stay to eat lunch together. So most of the time I pack our family a lunch and bring it to eat with others. One thing that helps keep this easy is to plan easier lunches for it. Things like crockpot meals, sandwiches, salads, etc. Things that I can quickly prep morning of or even the night before.

5. Get in a good mindset.

– Lastly, I loved the Sundays growing up, that our home was filled with praise music as we got ready for church. It was encouraging, upbeat and just put you in a great mindset for church. So when I get up to start my day and the kids come out for breakfast I’ll jam out the Christian music!

I hope y’all find some of these helpful as they have been for me!

Xoxo, Shantel

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