Happy Mother’s Day!


Never did this word mean so much until this 5 letter word became my name 5 months ago. The magnitude of becoming a mom has taught and given me so much in respecting the role of one just in the short time I have been. There’s a sense of responsibility like no other and a feeling of intense love like you’ve never known before. Growing up one of my dreams was to be a mom. And if you know my story, you know God answered my desire to have a family in his timing, not mine. I feel truly honored and fortunate that God chose me to be Hudson’s mother. And, so very grateful that he chose Melanie to be mine! Looking at it from a new mom’s perspective it’s so much different than as a child still living under your parent’s wings. You see all they do for you and appreciate it. But once it becomes your role it changes dramatically and the appreciation turns into a deep sense of indebted gratitude. The sacrifices my mom has made and the ways she still loves her children today shows that she is full of a love that only comes from God and his love towards her.
The example of a Mom has a huge impact on children and just our world in general. It’s one of the MOST important jobs one can have. In the home is where the foundation of a child is started. It’s where they learn to love God, be kind, respect others in authority, work hard, be peacemakers, and the list goes on and on. The place of the Mom in a home is so special and incomparable to anything else. God called me to be Hudson’s mom for a reason and he did it in His timing.
And to all you fellows sisters yearning for littles of your own, I see you, I love you, and I pray for you. Even though it’s hard to see now, God sees YOU. in Lamentations 3:25 it says “The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;”. So don’t lose hope, God knows, he is there, and he is working on your behalf! 

So as we celebrate Mother’s Day, take time to thank the one who poured into you, and who God called to be your mom. Lather them with love just like they did for you. Happy Mother’s Day moms!💖

xoxo, Shantel

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