Thursday Thoughts, How It’s Going; My Blog

This weekend I’ve been contemplating a lot, about what’s helping or hindering my blog growth. I’ll be honest, I have way more followers on Instagram than on my actual blog. It would be nice the other way around, but in reality, keeping up a blog is A TON more of effort and money. Planning, writing, proofing, taking pics, working on SEO, I mean, SO much goes into a blog. There have been times I almost gave up, but then I read the comments I get from y’all, and there’s no way I could. ❤️ It’s also made me appreciate all the more the other content creators, artists, and writers that put their backbone into what they do.

How its going, Blog, Blogging, Mom Blog, Faith Blog, How I blog,
My top is on sale HERE!

When I started my blog I thought I would be a lot further ahead than I am right now. But that’s okay. Life has changed in so many ways since I started. And my priorities as a Christian wife and mother need to be before my blog. I love that this has been an outlet to share all of these things, and more, in my everyday little life. It is good and bad, easy and hard, and some “I don’t know’s”. While I may have intended this adventure to be a little different than it is now, how it developed into what it is today, has been such a fun outcome. I pray my blog content continues to bless you; whether, my faith aspect, my motherhood journey, or my sense of fashion. I want every one of you to be able to get something from my little corner of the world that gives joy to your journey.

xoxo, Shantel

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