My Pregnancy Journey

↠ I haven’t posted much about my pregnancy journey on the blog, and I was asked to share about it. So, this post is dedicated to how my preggo life has been the last 8+ months! And I also wanted to share some tips that I learned and found that really helped throughout my pregnancy.

So, to start off, as many of my friends and family know, my pregnancy was not planned. My husband and I were planning on waiting a couple of years, and the birth control I was on gave me a .03% chance of getting pregnant…goes to show God meant it to be.  
Anywho, here I am almost 9 months pregnant now and preparing to meet this little bundle of joy!

My first trimester was very interesting, to say the least, because I was 10 weeks pregnant before I found out! How I discovered it was I began to recognize little weird signs/symptoms I was having! A few weeks into the pregnancy, what I thought was a stomach bug had dawned on me later that it was morning sickness. The other symptoms I had were a lot of fatigue, 2 missed cycles, sudden small weight gain especially in my tummy, and BAD heartburn… So 1 week after we moved into our new house, in nervous anticipation I took 2 pregnancy tests and both came back positive in flying colors! I was shocked, to say the least, but we knew that God had allowed it to happen and that he does everything for a specific purpose. So the planning and preparing began!

As for the second trimester, for the most part, I can’t complain. It was a pretty smooth part of the pregnancy. My symptoms were pretty low key except for the bad lower back pain for about a week and just stretching and muscle soreness due to him AND I growing. It was a good time of teaching me not to do things too fast either or I’d get off balance. But thankfully, during this time I had little to NO heartburn. It was also in about the 18th week I started to feel our baby boy move and it was such a sweet thing. The other thing I loved about this part was that we got to start seeing how developed he was on ultrasounds. It was awe-inspiring to think that God had his handiwork on all of him!

So now we’re here in the 3rd trimester. And to be honest, It’s been a combination of 1st and 2nd. The movement is crazy! He is a kicker and mover that’s for sure. I’ve also come to the stage where my sleep is restless and unfortunately the dreaded heartburn came back. The Braxton Hicks have also been pretty intense, and I’ve been sporting the swollen feet, but every day closer to the due date is another day closer to seeing our sweet Hudson’s face, and that brings so much joy!

This journey has been amazing and has been a tremendous learning curve for Nathan and I. And it has been just another lesson on how God’s plan is much better than ours could ever be. Though this is not what we had in mind in our timing, God knew exactly what he was doing and is equipping us with the physical and spiritual strength that we need to start this adventure of parenthood. 💙

Tips For Pregnant Mamma’s 👇

#1 Drink LOTS of water, take a prenatal/multivitamin, and listen to your body when you need to stop and take a break. 
#2 Eat your fruits and veggies. The healthier you eat the better you will feel and have fewer unwanted pregnancy symptoms. 
#3 Exercise and stretch! If you are like me and work an 8-5 job, you get home and most days are exhausted. It’s hard to find time for a full exercise routine. So for me, I found that taking 5-minute walks when I could during the day and once a day after a bathroom break doing some squats was a good help as well and would keep my energy up when I felt fatigued. The other thing I really loved was this 5-minute exercise routine I found on YouTube that worked all your body but was safe for all trimesters. (Linked below)
#4 Bio-Oil for your tummy. This stuff is amazing. It is great for the elasticity of your skin, reduces/prevents stretch marks, and is also safe for sensitive skin.

I hope this has given you a little insight into what my life has been like in the last 8+ months. And I hope these tips are helpful to you as they have been to me. Pregnancy is a beautiful adventurous thing and is just another testimony to how great our powerful God is.👪

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