My Postpartum Journey

Before I begin I want to just put a little disclaimer that I realize this process is very different for each person and everyone handles things differently. But I hope that this is an encouragement to fellow new moms as well as moms-to-be! I’m also sharing some tips and products that helped my healing and recovery process at the end of this post.💓

↠ It was December 3rd, nine o clock pm I had been in bed asleep since 7. I suddenly felt a pop like a kick but really low. I sat up to go to the bathroom and woosh- water broke and we knew it was time to head to the hospital! After a good 13 hours of laboring, and an epidural, I pushed for 45 minutes and out came the sweetest Christmas gift! While my labor and delivery were the smoothest I could have imagined, my recovery was not. 
Women are often told of the hard labor to prepare for but the recovery and healing are oftentimes left out. 
To start out, my Hudson’s head was 14 inches Due to that, I had 2-degree tears when he came out. While it made me very thankful I had chosen to get an epidural with all the stitches that had to get done, the sutures made for a very painful healing process. I can’t express the amount of gratitude I have for the nurses that helped me during our stay at the hospital. I received the best care and the amount of effort and support they showed was immense. 

Then it was time to go home. It was the HARDEST week of my life. I cried a lot, had to just sit and lay down, and I was so thankful for my family’s help! Due to my inability to move very well for a couple of weeks, they helped with changing diapers, taking a few hours during the night, and making sure to give help in my recovery as well. 
After 2 weeks I started to feel like I was beginning to recover then I got an infection, and here came the first round of antibiotics. While I hated the thought of taking them while breastfeeding I knew I needed it to kill the infection. After this came side effects and the healing from that as well. It felt like one thing after the next.
While Hudson was a good baby most of the time he did have a few spells of colic and where we could tell his stomach was very uncomfortable. My first thought was that it was something I was eating. So I started tracking what I ate and realized after I ate tomatoes, beans, and peppers, was when he had these issues. So I stopped eating them and low and behold they went away! Since then I’ve taken those out of my diet and we have no problems!! 

FINALLY, at 5 weeks I started to get into a routine and feel more myself. My body had been able to heal at a steady rate and I was able to move around normally, for the most part. I was also starting to see the bond Hudson and I had that was so special and made me begin to realize how much I loved this precious being God had gifted us! I’d love to say that this was the last of my pain, however, the last part came unexpectedly and came fast. Mastitis. I had heard a little about it but boy it was not fun. I tried everything possible to heal it on my own but for me, it progressed quickly and miserably. So, here came the second round of antibiotics. While it hurt me to know that my body had to take them again I realized that some things are out of our control. 
There was one word to describe this whole process that God was teaching me:
Patience with my body healing. 
Patience in learning how to take care of my sweet boy. 
Patience with not being able to do everything I wanted to in my time. 

While it’s been one crazy ride, it’s been such a powerful growth experience and I’m incredibly humbled and blessed that God chose ME to be Hudson’s mom! There’s is absolutely nothing in this world that I would trade to do than to be chosen to teach this precious child about Jesus and the love he has for him!

My Recovery Resources:
1. Water, water, water- I’m convinced that my first infection would not have happened if I had kept up in the water drinking department. It’s vital to the healing process!

2. Postpartum Wrap- A fellow mamma recommended one to me and so I purchased one for my recovery and I cannot tell you how much it helped me! 

3. Echinacea- This powerful herb is wonderful for your immune system, and safe for you and baby. 

4. Gabba- This supplement aids in all the hormonal changes and tears that follow in the healing process!

5. Multivitamin/Prenatal- Keep taking that vitamin complex! This only helps in the process of continuing to replenish the vitamins your body needs to heal and feed a new baby.

6. Exercise- When your Dr. gives you the go-ahead to start exercising- DO IT. When my 6 weeks were up I gradually started with easy exercises and I felt my energy grow so much as well as losing that stubborn baby weight. It’s a fun way to also interact with your little one. Hudson absolutely loves me holding him while I do squats. He gets the biggest grin on his face!

7. Bone Broth- This liquid gold is AMAZING. Not only does it have great health benefits for you and baby but I believe for me it really aided in bringing my milk in smoothly and with ease. 

8. Time with God- Last but not least, this part is huge. The time I spent either in prayer, a little devotional or reading/ listening to the Bible, helped give me the strength that I desperately needed to make it through the day. As a new mom I realize finding the time is hard, and believe me I’m not perfect at it, but it can be a game-changer for your day. The other part of this, is uplifting music, to help me focus my day. For me, that looks like Hillsong Worship, Michael W. Smith, Kari Jobe. But find the music that helps you keep a spiritual mindest throughout the day and have it continually going.

I hope this is helpful for you- new Mamma’s or soon to be ones. It’s a new adventure and one you can’t completely prepare for, but to see your sweet child’s smile on their face, nothing compares to that joy. Be patient and enjoy this season in your life. 

Xoxo, Shantel

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