Here’s A 100% Truth For All Moms

*Want to preface this by pointing out that I’m not condemning using these AT ALL. If you do use them and choose too, that’s great! This is sharing to fellow moms that see it, are overwhelmed by it, and feel pressured to use it by comparison.

•My 2 year old has learned the most from just everyday life experiences. I’ve seen him do things that I never taught him from a book, or showed him from a teaching material.
I used too think my child needed all of these things to learn and for me to teach him the basics, but now I don’t. I realized simple teaching materials, and real life scenarios are just as well meaning and purposeful for us. His main source for learning comes from me. From my example, my spending time with him, AND learning him too. What are his strengths, his challenges, his ideas, his qualities? These basics are how I’ve found my ground for helping my little guy learn, and this thought pattern has been a game changer.💙

Xoxo, Shantel

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