A Christmas Conundrum

Laying here in exhaustion, reflecting on this weeks crazy turn of events.

Just a few days ago we were ready to go for our Christmas trip, and overnight that changed.

Our 3 year old came down with influenza a.

My first reaction was frustrated, angry, heartbroken, stressed….

We’ve been blessed with a pediatrician for our children that’s a believer, and in that we’ve discussed freely about our Faith in God.

Yesterday, as she walked us into the patient room and with sympathy shared the bad news with us, she also, expressed sympathetically and yet assuredly that God must be protecting us from something worse.

In the moment, it didn’t seem fair, easy to accept, and I felt cheated out of our trip. But I knew she had a point.

What if that was the case? What if God gave us the least worst case scenario? And something good might really come of this.

The same thoughts come to mind when I think about Jesus’ birth. How did Mary feel when she realized she was about to give birth in a place where animals lived? Did she feel cheated out of what she wanted? Help from her fellow moms who could give her support? She exchanged comfort for God’s Will.

And yet in this whole scene, she gave birth to the most precious gift to mankind.

Not one of silver, gold, money, food. No, a gift that would save the entire world from sin.

That moment of frustration, that moment of uncertainty- is what Mary knew until she held the beautiful babe Jesus in her arms.

While we are in the thick of this, and cannot see the reason God has allowed this happen yet. Mary has shown me once again what the true meaning of letting go and letting God means.


Xoxo, Shantel

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  1. Vera Allen says:

    It’s been a crazy Christmas season for me too – but I think your pediatrician is right, the Lord must have something better in mind! I hope the little one has a smooth and speedy recovery and that you all have a blessed and merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much, Merry Christmas!🎁

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