Tips for an easier Sunday morning:

We all know the Sunday drill of rushing out the door 2mins past departure time. The last minute outfits and food prep, and all the in between that happens on a day not filled with rest, that’s kind of supposed to be about that…rest.🤣 And while everyone still has those days sometimes, I’ve been able …

Ask not Want.

We’re in a training season of teaching Hudson he has to ask, and not just tell me he wants something. Hudson is on the brink of turning 4. I love the doors that have opened since his language and curiosity senses have developed. He often asks insightful questions now and each one surprises me with …

Mother’s Day Memory

I remember my first Mother’s Day 4 years ago. 🩷I had found out just a week before that I was pregnant with Hudson and was still not only processing the surprise, but also hadn’t shared it with anyone accept our parents. I didn’t have all the warm fuzzy feelings about being pregnant yet or didn’t …