Here’s some Thursday thoughts about worry combat. Plus a silly video of me that you have to watch first! 🤣 Okay, so do I always take captive those thoughts like I should? Unfortunately no, it’s still something I struggle with daily.BUT, here’s 3️⃣ things that help combat the spiraling when my worries pop up. •✨Jam …
Thursday Thoughts, Finding A Love For Jesus
I want my child to love Jesus and come to the conclusion of his need for Christ’s salvation for himself. I had a comment the other day that really put this into perspective.“People believe what their parents tell them & big coincidence: of the dozens of religions to choose from they ‘choose’ the same religion …
Thursday Thoughts, “Mommy Wars”
I should not be defining my child’s worth based on their physical appearance, but in Christ. (Sharing this, as it’s been on my mind and heart this year.) This past spring I read a book called “Mom Enough” I highly recommend it for any mom. In it, there’s a segment that brought up this concept …
Thursday Thoughts About Blessing
Blessing- a beneficial thing for which one is grateful It’s a beautiful word. It’s a term found many times in the Bible and it’s applied different ways too The first way I want to talk about is: God blessing us: God can bless us materially and provide things like clothes and food for us. And …
The Lunch From Mom, Thursday Thoughts
In the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, (John 6) the fish and bread that boy had was most likely prepared but his mom. Without his mom taking care of him he wouldn’t have it to share and the miracle be fulfilled. Wow! What a concept this is! Our value as moms goes way behind …
5 Simple Ways to Introduce God to Little Ones
One of my favorite things about being home with my child is that I get to choose what goes into his precious bright mind. I think it’s so important at even a young age to introduce God and scripture to them. And here’s just a few ways that we’ve implemented it in our home. Devotionals …
Finding satisfaction in hard work, it’s our lot in life; Thursday Thoughts.
“This is the one good thing I’ve seen: it’s appropriate for people to eat, drink, and find enjoyment in all their (labor) hard work under the sun during the brief lifetime that God gives them because that’s their lot in life.” Ecclesiastes 5:18 CEB. I’m reading in Ecclesiastes at the moment and there are 2 …
A May Prayer, Thoughts From a Mother’s Heart
Father, as we approach May, honoring mothers, I want to thank you for all they mean to us. The love they show so willingly, the ways they comfort, calm, and give grace to our failings. Thank you for the examples in scripture like Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, Ruth, and Rachel. For the different …
Recharging Your Fellowship with Christ After Distance and Life Events.
This topic was mentioned when I did a poll a while ago of topics you’d like me to write about. Between personal life events and COVID restrictions, our spiritual life and fellowship can take a beating. I myself am a task-oriented person so I struggle with making sure I spend time with others. Finding what …
Thursday Thoughts, Early Morning Moments with My Son
A few nights ago, Hudson woke up in the wee hours of the morning crying in pain (teething or tummy). I tried the usual of nursing and a soothing tablet but it was apparent that he needed more then that.So I gave him some pain medicine and did what I’ve done before when he was …