But GOD can…

As many of you know due to knowing me in person, and if you read my blog you would know that my husband and I have been searching for a house for a while now. Well, I have exciting- no BEYOND exciting news, that God granted our petition and we have bought a house!!! I …

Casual Spring Outfits

So for this Fashion Friday I wanted to share with y’all a couple of my favorite spring outfits. 🌸 Spring means you’re discarding the thick sweaters and donning a short sleeve with a light jacket. It means no more dark colors and more yellow, green, and every shade of pink. I love this transition because …

Easy Denim DIY

DIY! (Do It Yourself) I’m so excited today because I get to share with you all a fun fashion DIY project! I don’t know about y’all but I have a lot of jeans that I love because of the fit and feel. However, that being said, a lot of them are plain and don’t have …

Hello Spring🌷

Spring!🌺   I love spring, it’s like opening a new open door to a new house every time the birds start chirping and the sun starts shining. It’s often the time of year that many of us do what we ladies call “spring cleaning”. It’s been going on for decades! As a little girl, it meant …

Fashion Friday – Blazers

Blazers!  Blazers make you the bell of the ball! I love how blazers can be worn professionally with pumps and worn with jeans and a T-shirt and either way look so good! It’s the type of outer layer that just easily compliments and at the same time makes you the commanding presence. It takes everything …


Patience… There’s a lot to be said about this 1 word. It’s something I constantly pray for and something I myself struggle with. It’s so easy to hear and say “be patient” but so often the magnitude of it doesn’t clearly resonate with us. My husband and I have been searching for a house for …