My November Prayer, A Thankful Heart

Dear God, this November brings mixed emotions. In a few days, our country elects a new leader in our nation. The man that represents us, and decides a direction in which our nation turns. This also is a month in which we take time to be thankful, thankful for everything YOU have given, and provided for us. God, you tell us in ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭To “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” So Lord, whether our country elects the man that each of us wants or not, help us to remember this verse. God help us to remember that our nation is controlled by you first and foremost. You allow things to happen for a reason and teach us in that season.

A Thankful Prayer
A beautiful spot I found while out for a drive!

Lord, thank you for the reassurance that you do give us through your Word that reminds us you have authority and dominion over the whole universe.

Help us to put our trust, our faith, and our hope solely in you. God, I do pray though that our nation would pick a man that has morals on which we can stand and who will point us to you. That each person would search their heart and mind and vote with wisdom and not just emotion. Help those who are undecided to decide in your direction Lord. And gives us peace knowing your hand is on this all.

Lord, thank you for the abundant life that we have through your salvation and your Holy Spirit working in us. Thank you for the countless ways you provide for each of us, and know each of our needs and wants. Thank you that you answer our prayers and thank you for your grace.

In your powerful name above all names,


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