Festive Memorial Day, 4th of July Outfits

Wow, I can’t believe Memorial Day is right around the corner! It’s been a very quick spring season over here and we’re quickly moving into summer, I know much talk is happening of lifting more restrictions and mask mandates. It seems so weird now because its been so long since everything was normal. So I’m glad that we are able to celebrate more holidays in a more normal manner. That being said, I always love donning a fun outfit for Memorial Day, (okay every holiday) but for holidays like this, I always go digging in my closet. I don’t usually buy anything clothing-wise for this type of national holiday. And honestly sometimes closet shoppings the best.

So here are some fun red, white, or blue, outfits to give you some inspiration if you feel like showing up in the outfit department for Memorial Day or for the 4th of July! And if you don’t? Hey, that’s okay too. Maybe share it with someone who is!

Xoxo, Shantel

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1 Comment

  1. […] been outside almost every day now enjoying the sunshine and dirt. We also had our first lake day on Memorial Day weekend and it was beautiful. We went before the crowd rush and it was relaxing. I went out of my […]

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