Harrison’s lip + tongue tie.

Been a bit of a whirlwind this past month. We’re finally getting back into a new norm after the holidays, and doing a little better at managing things. 😄

So here’s the scoop on little bubs ties.

At Harrison’s 2 month checkup in December, I found out he was very slow at gaining weight. To the point that he was in the 4%. So he was still gaining just not on a normal scale. This being the case our pediatrician and I both agreed something was off and I needed to figure out what.

I honestly didn’t notice this as he has been such a good baby. Happy a lot, not colicky, and giving me 4-6hr stretches at night. Of course though, after finding this out I started noticing some things that were off, as every mom does!

I was suspicious of it being related to his mouth and not so much my milk supply. 🍼

So I immediately made an apt. with my favorite lactation consultant for just a few days later to see if something was up. (PSA- PLEASE seek out the help of a lactation consultant before taking to the internet how to’s and tips to fix things. They are knowledgeable and SO helpful, and want to help you succeed in breastfeeding.)

->Here were a few things that kind of made me think that something was off.

  • He took longer than my others to latch, and had quite a bit of clicking, smacking, and gulping when he nursed.
  • He had a lot of burping and gas from the extra air he was taking in.
  • I never quite felt emptied after a feed and he would only nurse for about 10-15 min. But as often as one to two hours.
  • He had a lot of burps and loose spit-up’s almost every feeding.
  • I have a strong letdown, and he would always choke and splutter all over the place when trying to swallow.

I’ve nursed my babies a combined 43 months, and it’s been one of the most rewarding, bonding parts of motherhood for me. If you know me in person, then you probably know that it’s something I advocate for and have become very passionate about. So that being said, I was determined to continue this. 🙏

So the first thing I knew that I need to prioritize as soon as possible, was to get his weight up.

Starting that same day I got home, I pumped after each nursing session the milk that he was not drinking and alternated in extra feedings to give him the pumped milk. He really did well with this to start.

A few days later I was able to see my LC and after going over everything, we discovered that Harrison had a lip and tongue tie. 😬

Unfortunately, because of the holidays, the soonest I would be able to get him in was nearly a month later. So I continued with the alternating in between nursing and pumped milk until then.

Fortunately, though it worked and I was able to help him gain about 2 pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks this way.

It’s been 2 days post procedure now and I can already tell a difference with how he is nursing. I’m honestly so relieved to have this done and hopeful that it will fix a lot of the issues with nursing. And also down the line with introducing solids and even his speech.

I just wanted to reiterate once again, that if you are a nursing mama and something doesn’t feel right, advocate for yourself and go see a lactation consultant. They are so helpful and want to help you succeed in your breast-feeding journey.

I’m really hopeful myself that in the coming years, I will be able to do that same thing with other mamas. I think it’s just amazing how God created our bodies to do this and nurture our children.

Has your child had a lip or tongue tie? Let me know your experience in the comments. I love reading other breastfeeding/pumping success stories from fellow moms!

Much love,🫶🏻


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