Has it really been a month already? Wow, does time go by faster with each kid! It feels like we just brought him home from the hospital last week. But anyways, it’s been a whirlwind of a first month. This being my 3rd baby I honestly didn’t have too many assumptions for what the first month would look like, but it’s been a little bit more of a blur this time with us now being a family of 5.
First, how cute is our little chunky cutie! Harrison is growing well and in the higher percentiles just like his big brother so far. It’s been precious watching him grow and start to “coo” and interact with us! The kids adore him and want to hold him constantly. 🥹

As for my postpartum, honestly, it’s been good and hard. Haha
What do I mean by this? Well the healing process has been pretty smooth. I think because my body knows what it’s doing now it how to heal a little quicker. I only slightly tore this time as opposed to the last 2 being quite different. The other bumpy thing I dealt with for a solid 4 weeks was a dull headache. And I completely believe it was related to my hormones.
Now, the hormonal drop has been another story. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the shift in hormones has been really rough with both my boys. The mood swings/emotional state of me has been on the fritz. It was honestly like a Deja vu from my postpartum with Hudson. 🤪 A few things I’ve been taking this time to help has been liquid B12 and GABA. It’s definitely helping, and as I come out of the 1st month I think things are starting to settle a bit more physically.
Here’s a few things I’ve done this first month to help my body heal physically and emotionally:
Drinking plenty of water with electrolytes (I love Ultima), taking a postnatal as well as the other supplements mentioned above, deep breathing and core breathing, walking outdoors, cold shower surges, drinking collagen as well as bone broth, resting when I can during the day, reading and memorizing scripture, staying connected with my sisters in Christ, and snuggling with my newborn. 🥰
In reality, each postpartum is a little different. Adjusting from 2-3 has been a lot more of a challenge then 1-2 for me, but I know we’ll get it. Why? Cause God helped us do it before! A couple verses I’ve been clinging to and praying over has been 2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 26:3, and 2 Timothy 1:7. While my quiet time and Bible reading look way different in this season right now, in the early morning feedings and before our day starts reading just a part of scripture and praying over the day helps. It prepares my heart and mind for whatever the day holds.
I also have to add that I’m so fortunate with the help I’ve had from my Mamma. With each new baby she’s been the biggest support person and aid to me. I have such a deep admiration for her and the way she inspires me to be a better mother. I’m also thankful or my kind mother in law who came and stayed with us for a week to help. It was a blessing.
I’m grateful for this postpartum journey and that I get to experience it once again. I’m so blessed to be a Mamma to 3 precious children. I lovethem so deeply and watching them grow and love each other brings me so much joy. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. 🤍
Thanks for reading,
Xoxo, Shantel