Things I Committed to Doing Before Baby #3

I’ve always loved food. I’m definitely more on the side of “live to eat”, not “eat to live”. 😂I love baking and making good food. It’s just a comfort for me, honestly. But in that I also formed bad habits when I became a SAHM. If I wanted a GF brownie with my eggs for breakfast, why not? 🤷‍♀️ French fries and ice cream before bed, why not?
These bad habits though became crutches. If I had a bad day I wanted junk food. If I felt sorry for myself I’d want to bake a GF cake and eat it.
One of the most unhealthy myths one can tell themselves is that just because you’ve cut out a certain food your body doesn’t like doesn’t mean you can accept eating all the other bad ones.
I haven’t eaten gluten in over eight years now. When I took it out, I honestly considered myself more healthy. It truly helped my health in so many ways, but it didn’t erase the fact that being gluten-free still allowed junk foods.
With my 1st and 2nd pregnancies, I ate just GF. I had one too many M&M McFlurry with french fries after dinner then I’d like to admit. And while I know, many tell you that gestational diabetes does not stem from what you eat, the more research and studies I find differ from this concept.
So, when I got gestational diabetes with my daughter, I decided I had to make a pretty permanent change. For the last two years, it’s been a journey of disciplining myself not to succumb to the bad habits of overindulging in carbs and sugar. The summer of last year I relapsed and opened myself to eating some carbs and sugar again. While, I didn’t feel as miserable because I ate it in small quantities. I still knew what it was doing to my body. So back in November, I got strict again.
I ate pretty strict keto- loss 10 lb in 30 days, and since being pregnant, I now just eat low-carb and little to no sugar. Though I don’t have gestational diabetes this pregnancy I still test my blood sugar often to see how my body reacts to what I eat. I still ❤️ food but I have a much better relationship with it as well as habits. I found healthy treats to have on hand and my desire for a healthy pregnancy drives me to say 🙅‍♀️ when I need to! And truly, I’ve never felt better!

Xoxo, Shantel

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