Been a bit of a whirlwind this past month. We’re finally getting back into a new norm after the holidays, and doing a little better at managing things. 😄 So here’s the scoop on little bubs ties. At Harrison’s 2 month checkup in December, I found out he was very slow at gaining weight. To …
1 Month with our Little Harrison. 1 Month Postpartum
Has it really been a month already? Wow, does time go by faster with each kid! It feels like we just brought him home from the hospital last week. But anyways, it’s been a whirlwind of a first month. This being my 3rd baby I honestly didn’t have too many assumptions for what the first …
Ways I’ve prepared my body for a healthy pregnancy with baby #3. Part 4
I’ve shared a lot about the different ways I’ve tried to proactively help my body have a better chance at a healthier pregnancy with this third baby. I’m very thankful to share that we have made it past the 30 week mark without any complications. That being said, I wanted to share one more thing …
Life lately! Family updates July 2024
This summer has been one of the busiest I think our family has ever had. We’ve literally gone from one thing to the next since the end of May with short week breaks in between trips and activities. I’ve loved being busy at it definitely helps pass the time in pregnancy, but the further along …
Tips for an easier Sunday morning:
We all know the Sunday drill of rushing out the door 2mins past departure time. The last minute outfits and food prep, and all the in between that happens on a day not filled with rest, that’s kind of supposed to be about that…rest.🤣 And while everyone still has those days sometimes, I’ve been able …
I officially was cleared from having diabetes this pregnancy.✨🙉
Did I really just type that title? Kind of feels so weird because it’s been such a huge part of my dedication to this pregnancy. As most of you know I had to take the 1 hour glucose test as well as the 3 hr at 8-10 weeks this pregnancy as I had GDM with …
Ask not Want.
We’re in a training season of teaching Hudson he has to ask, and not just tell me he wants something. Hudson is on the brink of turning 4. I love the doors that have opened since his language and curiosity senses have developed. He often asks insightful questions now and each one surprises me with …
1 Whole Year with our Sweet Felicity🍓
Felicity turned one today and my mama heart is just overflowing. 🥹💖 From her pregnancy to adventuring thru this first year, there’s so many instances that I could see first hand, God was watching over her. So many hours of dedication are poured into a child their first year of life. The dozens of hours …
Mother’s Day Memory
I remember my first Mother’s Day 4 years ago. 🩷I had found out just a week before that I was pregnant with Hudson and was still not only processing the surprise, but also hadn’t shared it with anyone accept our parents. I didn’t have all the warm fuzzy feelings about being pregnant yet or didn’t …
Switch it up! How I’m changing our week to serve us as a family better.
If you receive my newsletter then you know that the last 1-2 months I’ve found that our weekdays aren’t flowing for us very well. We’re in a bit of a schedule routine rut, and it felt like it wasn’t serving our family well. Right after Hudson was born I loved Monday’s. Crazy right?! It was …