Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, it’s what I was diagnosed with last week after doing testing and lab work. Honestly, I’m not even too upset about it, though there’s no cure. But thankfully, it’s not a life threatening condition, just something I will have to adjust life around for the foreseeable future.
The good part? I have a terrific Dr. who understands this syndrome really well and has been able to help me immensely already. Life looks a little different, but in some ways good. I’m adjusting to wear compression socks/leggings, and waist trainers as it help with blood circulation. And I also have been on a strict AIP paleo diet figuring out what foods trigger and cause my body unrest. Through this though, I’ve been eating many different foods that I hadn’t taken the time to cook as much with in the past, and have had fun just being creative in the kitchen.
I had been having symptoms in pregnancy that seemed to escalate after birth and so I made the conscious decision to get checked for anything serious going on despite my fears. And I’m very glad I did.
Along with this, taking a break from social media has been a breather for me. I’ve been much more focused on day to day life. I am more present with my children, and mindful of how badly it was affecting me. I’ve been listening to an audio book titled “Raising Mentally Strong Kids”, and have come across some knowledge with such depth that I see as an adult that we ruin our brains through the social peer world. And in all seriousness, I don’t miss it. Not one bit.
In other news, as if we aren’t already busy enough, our big boy starts T-ball in a few weeks. We are so excited to watch him play. I think he is going to have just so much fun, and it will be a great life experience for him as well. He is doing great in Kindergarten this year and I just love how he soaks up knowledge from his subjects.
Sissy has been the best little helper in the kitchen. She loves helping me cook and bake, and being the official taste tester lol. She also loves anything princess and dancing to Swan Lake. The girly girl in me just loves it!
As for little bubs, I’m very thankful to say that he’s adjusted so well to life after his lip and tongue tie release. He is gaining weight by the pounds and is the happiest little guy. He loves his siblings and chewing on his fist, as he’s started teething, just like them at this age.
This season of life has brought its handful of challenges, but also been a bit of a breather from what hasn’t benefited us. I’m not sure what the next few years or even decades will look like for me, but I do know that choosing each day to trust God a little more with my life is the best thing I could ever do.
If you’re in a season like this too, know you’re not alone. And also, that these parts of life aren’t meant to bring you down, but rather challenge you to see how much you can push past the point of negativity to see the goodness of God.
Blessings and love,
Shantel 🩷
Hi Shantel, great to hear how you’re doing. I hope you feel the Lord’s hand in this journey on this recent diagnosis. Great to hear about how you are. I pray with some diet adjustments the symptoms lessen. Blessings,
Thank you 😊